February 7, 2008

What words are next to you?

Susan has tagged me with this meme. I will participate.

Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. No cheating! The nearest book is Magda King's A Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time

Find Page 123. Find the first 5 sentences. Post the next 3 sentences: "The phenomenon of conscience and the new formulation of care prepare the ground for finding the answer to the question, How is it possible for man to understand being? Although Heidegger does not expressly say so, the internal evidence compellingly points to the conclusion that here is the basis from which Division Three would have to start. The immediate function of the long preparatory inquiry, however, is to lead up to the second half of Division Two."

Tag 5 people: The Author; David; Drew. Really, besides Susan I only know a handful of bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Whee! I knew you'd be good for an interesting passage from whatever page 123 was nearest you!

Heidegger's Being and Time is on my list of "read after graduation" right up there next to Merleau-Ponty.... *sigh*

Becky Vartabedian said...

That meme is funny because the three sentences I posted really say nothing about the book. :)

Based on my present experience, I'd say read MP first and then read Heidegger. It's been much easier than I anticipated, but it's because I finished the really hard work with MP.